Mediterranean Bento Box Lunch

A mezze lunch inspired bento box. You can make this as simple or as complicated as you want. Cook a protein, then pick up a variety of pickled items, flatbreads, cheese, and hummus, and you’re ready to pack some bento boxes.


Example Mediterranean Bento Box Components

Amounts to preference.

  • Chicken Breast w/ Za’atar Marinade

    • Za’atar seasoning mix

    • Neutral cooking oil

  • Thin Pita Bread

  • Hummus

  • Cheese, like feta or Havarti

  • Pickled items, like olives, dill pickles, or hot & sweet peppers

  • Additional veggies like lettuce, tomato, or onion (sliced to preference)

  • Yogurt

    • Additionally seasonings like dill, oregano, or paprika


Cook the chicken: Butterfly or pound thin a chicken breast and then add a sprinkle of salt to both sides. Sprinkled on the za’atar mix all over to evenly cover the meat.

To cook, add a bit of oil to a hot pan and then lay the chicken breast down. Cook on one side for about 3 minutes to develop a sear and then flip it over to cook the other side.

Let rest, then slice it up and you’re ready to pack a lunch.

Assemble the bento box: Add your sliced chicken to the bento box. If your box has two layers, add it to the top one so it can be reheated separately. Pack in your flat breads next to your chicken.

To the other layer, add some hot and sweet peppers, marinated olives, Havarti, hummus, dill pickles, and lettuce, for example. In another container or an empty compartment, make a quick sauce by adding some yogurt with a sprinkle of oregano and dill.

Notes & Variations

Any combination of proteins, veggies, or sauces will work!