Caesar Salad & Chicken Freezer “Meal Prep”


Grilled Chicken

  • Frozen, thinned-out chicken slices (see Freezer Prep Method below)

  • Mayo

  • Salt

  • Seasonings of choice: fresh cracked black pepper, dried oregano, red pepper flake, etc.

Salad Components

  • Caesar or dressing of choice

  • Romaine lettuce, washed and chopped

  • Toppings of choice: croutons, sliced red onion, sliced tomatoes, Parmigiano Reggiano, etc.


Marinate the chicken: Take frozen, thinned-out chicken slices straight from the freezer (see below). Add a squirt of mayo, a sprinkling of salt, and spices of choice, and then uniformly spread the mayo marinade over the chicken.

Cook the chicken: Add the marinated chicken slices to a pan or griddle over medium heat, and cook until it reaches 155 F internally. Set aside to rest for a few minutes.

Assemble salad: Prep any salad components. Add toppings and chicken to the lettuce, and drizzle with dressing. Enjoy.

“Thinly Sliced” Freezer Prep Method

The next time you have a package of chicken, ground beef, or a steak that has hit the freeze-by date and you aren’t able to use it, try this method.

Instead of just tossing the whole package into the freezer, take a few minutes to prep the protein so it can be instantly cooked for future meals.

How it works:

  1. Remove the protein from the original packaging.

  2. Slice, portion, or butterfly the protein into very thin pieces or small strips.

  3. Spread protein slices on a baking sheet and add to a freezer for a few hours or until solid.

  4. Transfer frozen, portioned protein into a freezer-safe bag or container.

When you are ready for a meal, take out a few strips at a time and cook straight from frozen into a meal. The protein is in small enough pieces to brown and cook all the way through without needing to defrost it first.


  • Stir-fries

  • Taco/burrito fillings

  • Sandwich fillings

  • Salad or rice bowl toppings

Ethan Chlebowski